INC Members

Margaret Paulson
Student Assistants
Core Faculty

Andrea Chiba
TDLC Co-Director / Cognitive Sciences and Program in Neuroscience

Arnaud Delorme
Research Scientist
Research Interests
- Continued development of the EEGLAB software for EEG single-trial analysis and independent component analysis.
- EEG data mining using super-computers in large sets of data comprising thousands of subjects.
- Brain dynamics associated with mind wandering and its relationship to the default network.
- Neural correlates of meditation andother transcendental experiences in different traditions.

Jeng-Ren Duann
Project Scientist
Research Interests
- fMRI Basics
Most current analysis methods for fMRI data assume a priori knowledge of the time course of the hemodynamic response (HR) to experimental stimuli or events in brain areas of interest. In addition, they typically assume homogeneity of both the HR and the non-HR "noise" signals, both across brain regions and across similar experimental events. When HRs vary unpredictably, from area to area or from trial to trial, an alternative approach is needed. Here, we use infomax Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to detect and visualize variations in single-trial HRs in event-related fMRI data.

Jean-Marc Fellous
Research Scientist
Research Interests
Study of the neural bases of complex behaviors. Spatial navigation in ‘megaspace’ and hippocampal coding. Probabilistic decision making and the role of the prefrontal cortex. Rat-Robot interactions. Role of sleep in memory consolidation and optimization. Computational roles of neuromodulation. Neural bases of emotions. We use a combination of in vivo behaving techniques in the rodent (high density electrophysiology, optogenetics), and detailed biophysical computational modeling. More information at the Computational and Experimental Neuroscience Laboratory website.

Mateusz Gola
Associate Research Scientist
Research Interests
- Brain mechanisms of motivation, reward, and conditioning
- Neural basis of behavioral addictions (especially compulsive sexual behaviors and problematic pornography use)
- Neural and psychological mechanisms of substance use disorders
- Basic mechanisms of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) effects on brain activity
Use of TMS and EEG for addiction treatment - Development of more effective methods for addiction treatment

Tzyy-Ping Jung
Research Scientist/Adjunct Professor
Research Interests
- Analysis and interpretation of neural activity measured by EEG, MEG and fMRI associated with human cognition, awareness and perception.
- Brain-computer interface and interaction
- Development of mobile wireless EEG and BCI systems that feature dry EEG sensor arrays and integrated data and signal processing hardware and software to obtain non-invasive, high spatial and temporal resolution, recording and interpretation of brain activity in unconstrained, freely-moving human subjects within operational environments.

Scott Makeig
Research Scientist
SCCN Director
Research Interests
- Analysis and modeling of human cognitive event-related brain dynamics as captured by high-dimensional EEG, MEG and other imaging modalities now including body motion capture.

Marcelo Mattar
Assistant Professor
Cognitive Science - website
Research Interests
- The neuroscience of memory and decision making
- Designing computational models and neuroscience experiments to understand how we simulate the future to guide our decisions

Gal Mishne
Assistant Professor
Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute
Research Interests
- Manifold learning
- Diffusion geometry
- Computational neuroscience
- Image processing and Biomedical signal processing
- Applied harmonic analysis

Masaki Nakanishi
Assistant Research Scientist
Research Interests
- High-speed brain computer interfaces

Julie Onton
Project Scientist
Research Interests
- To identify and localize EEG dynamics associated with PTSD and TBI in the military population to better diagnose and treat these disorders
- To optimize low-profile, at-home sleep EEG recordings and subsequent analyses to identify sleep abnormalities in behavioral health settings and therefore improve overall treatment outcomes

Ying Wu
Assistant Research Scientist
Research Interests
- Semantic processing
- EEG brain dynamics and learning
- Second language acquisition
- Discourse analysis and pragmatics
- Social neuroscience
- Gesture and action comprehension
Affiliated Faculty

Kenneth Kreutz-Delgado
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Fadel Zeidan
Department of Anesthesiology; Center for Mindfulness
Staff Researchers

Ryan Lay

Alejandro Lobo

Jacob Yenney
Postdoc Scholars

Johannes Leugering

Michael Levy
Intelligence Community Postdoctoral Research Fellow in "Assessing Collective Intelligence"

Mohammad Samavat

Jiahao Song
Research Interests
Compute-in-memory and memories circuit, mixed signal circuit design, and machine learning on edge.

Margot Wagner
Research interests: Machine learning and deep learning tools and analyses applied to neuropsychiatry applications.
Graduate Students

YuYi Chen

Manjari Daniel

Gwenevere Frank

Seoyeon Lim

Winnie Xu
Undergraduate Students

Valerie Fan

Ivy Han

Shivani Kedila
Visiting Undergraduate Student

Zoe Kim

April Lin

Raphael Pamintuan

Veeraj Sankar

Antara Sengupt

Haoyin Xu

Mattias Yotopoulos
Visiting Scholars
Aisha Joy Chen
Research Interests
The goal of my research is to investigate the interaction between movement and music in the brain using electroencephalography (EEG).

Megan Cheng
Suh-Yeon Dong

Xiao Hu
Research Interests
Learning analytics, music information retrieval and cultural heritage digitisation. The goal of my research is to improve people’s learning and well-being by designing and developing intelligent systems based on the ever-growing amounts and complexity of user data.

Sara Kamali
Research Interests
Identifying robust sequences in the brain dynamics;
Nonlinear methods for EEG signal analysis;
EEG feature extraction with XAI;
Nonlinear dynamics and chaotic systems.

Jeonghun Ku
Research Interests
The goal of my research is to develop technology to help patients in rehabilitation using VR, BCI and Brain Stimulation so that their neural plasticity can be facilitated.

Mari Yamaoka
Associate Members
Abraham Akinin
Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Miguel Alvarez-Cabanillas

Tracy Brandmeyer
Chief Science Officer, BrainMind; Chief Technology Officer, Cognigenics

Masih Bahrani

Frederic Broccard
Stephen Deiss
Marion Sangster Eckmiller
Leif Gibb

Sheng-Hsiou ("Shawn") Hsu

John Iversen
Associate Professor, McMaster University

Siddharth Joshi
Assistant Professor, University of Notre Dame

Justin Kinney

Christoph Maier

Aashish Patel

Peter Rowat

Ali Safa
Cory Stevenson
Weier Wan
Qingbo Wang
Technologist and Senior Principal Research Engineer, Western Digital Corporation
Kenneth Yoshimoto