Project 0: Hello Whirled

Due: Tuesday, 3 July 2012, at 23:59:59 PDT


Project 0 is designed just to make sure you are able to use the UNIX machines at UCSD as well as the "bundle" scripts to submit assignments.


Your assignment is to create a Java program called which prints the string "Hello, Whirled!" (without the quotation marks) to the screen and then quits. Your source file should also clearly contain your full name and student ID in a comment at the very top of the file.


When you are done with this monumental endeavor, submit your work using the bundleP0 script: Make sure you are logged on to using your CSE 12-specific account. Then, if you are working directly on a UNIX machine in the basement of the CSE building, then open a Terminal, change into the directory containing, and run bundleP0. If you are logged in to remotely, then you're already using a console -- just change to the right directory and run bundleP0. Make sure to submit before the deadline -- the script will show you (or anyone else) no mercy!


Your submission will be graded automatically by a computer program; hence, make sure it prints exactly the string specified above. Maximum score: 1 points.