The Machine Perception Toolbox

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Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 function boxed = showDetects(img, boxes, detects)
00003   imshow(img);
00004   hold on;
00005   for i = 1:size(boxes,1)
00006     if boxes(i,1) == 1
00007       H = rectangle('Position',[boxes(i,5), boxes(i,3), boxes(i,6)-boxes(i,5), boxes(i,4)-boxes(i,3)]);
00008       set(H, 'EdgeColor', 'g');
00009     end
00010     drawnow;
00011   end
00012   hold off;
00014   figure
00015   if(~isempty(detects))
00016     pause;
00017     nDetects = size(detects,3);
00018     for i = 1:nDetects
00019       d = diff(diff(detects(:,:,i),1,1),1,2);
00020       imshow(d,[],'notruesize'); pause;
00021     end
00022   end

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