This web site has been restored for historical purposes. Many members of the Machine Perception Laboratory have moved on to exciting new opportunities at Apple, Inc. Unfortunately, INC can only now offer limited support for locating and restoring articles referenced outside of the main MP Lab web site. You may use the Contact Form for reporting broken links and missing articles. We will do our best to locate them from the MP Lab archives.
Face Detection-Expression Recognition

Automatic FACS Coding Demos
Disgust 106 eye
Disgust 124
Disgust 124 eye
Joy 106 eye
Joy 124
Joy124 eye
Surp106 eye
Surprise 124
Surprise 124 eye
Ian blinking results

Who is Talking?
Using audio-visual Contingency to detect who is talking.

Demo of our 3D pose estimation system
Full-speed demo.
Half-speed demo.

Demo of our Expression Recognizer
Demo unavailable at this time.

The Cheese Project (Pasadena Art Center)
Real Time Face and Blink Detection.