2024 Rockwood Memorial Lecture - John Doyle, Ph.D.: The Architecture of Brains:
From Biology to Language, Technology, Sports, and Society (November 14, 2024). View recording of event
The Generative Mind: Biological and Artificial Intelligence - KIBM Symposium; Dr. Terry Sejnowski was a featured speaker. Event info
NYCU-UCSD Mini Symposium on EEG and Brain-Computer Interfaces (8/1/24) - Recording of event - Agenda
NICE 2024 (Neuro-Inspired Computational Elements) (April 23-26, 2024),
Scripps Seaside Forum in La Jolla, California - Event info
Winter School on Brains and Computation at UC San Diego (1/8/24) - more info
The Rockwood Memorial Lecture 2023 -(11/20/23) Tobi Delbruck (11/20/23): Event Camera Silicon Retina - View event recording
MoBI Work shop (June 5-7, 2023) and 4th International Mobile Brain-Body Imaging Conference (June 8-10) - Credit: Makoto Miyakoshi! View photos
CARTA Symposium: AI and Anthropogeny (3/3/23) - Event Chairs: Dr. Terry Sejnowski and Dr. Patricia Churchland; More info/recordings
Winter School on Brains and Computation (12/15/22) - More info here!
GSoLEN Webinar: How to Hook Them! Bringing education to life with insights from the neuroscience of movie-making (December 6, 2022)
Conversations with Drs. Barbara Oakley and Terry Sejnowski - View a recording of the webinar
EEGLAB 2022 (November 17-21, 2022), UC San Diego Supercomputer Center.
Rockwood Memorial Lecture 2022 with Jonathan Wolpaw, M.D. (November 17th, 2022). Click here to view the recording!
IEEE EMBS Brain, Mind, and Body: Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness (November 10-11, 2022) View the presentations; Event website.
The 17th Annual KIBM Symposium was held on June 17, 2022.More info
MoBI 2022 (June 5-10, 2022) - view event pictures! The 4th International Mobile Brain-Body Imaging Conference (June 8-10, 2022), at UC San Diego, the birthplace of MoBI,
with a new 3-day hands-on MoBI workshop prior to the conference (June 5-7)
The 20th anniversary of the founding of the Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (SCCN) - Monday, January 10, 2022. Speakers included UC San Diego Chancellor Pradeep Khosla, Senior Associate VCR Miroslav Krstic, and Jerry Swartz from the Swartz Foundation.
IEEE EMBS Symposium 2021, December 15-16, 2021 - Videos of the event are now available HERE!
This symposium and workshop brought together researchers and practitioners across academia, industry and the clinical profession to crystalize a vision towards holistic integration of unobtrusive neurotechnology and medicine with a focus on minimally invasive strategies including neurofeedback and electroceuticals that harness/cultivate harmony between brain, mind, and body. Promo Video; Event website.
KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research & INC Cognitive Neuroscience Retreat Saturday, July 10, 2021, Virtual Event. View videos from the INC Cognitive Neuroscience Retreat on INC's YouTube Channel!
2021 Rockwood Memorial Lecture (7/26/21) - Yoshua Bengio, Mila, Université de Montréal (7/26/21); View the presentation
From Conscious Processing to System 2 Deep Learning
2021 Virtual EEGLAB Workshop (June 14-18, 2021) - More information
Virtual Mobile Brain-Body Imaging Conference and Social Gathering (June 7, 2021)
2020 MURI Workshop on Sleep, Memory and Learning (12/15/20) - Videos now available
Cognitive Neuroscience Retreat [virtual via Zoom] - Videos here. In conjunction with the KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research
Saturday, June 27, 2020, 9:40 am – 4:15 pm, Keynote Speaker: Joshua Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the NIMH
Collaboratory Science in Society: FRAGILITY - June 19, 2020, 2-4 pm PDT - View the flier
With Dr. John Doyle (Caltech), Lord Martin Rees (Cambridge), Dr. Patricia Churchland (UC San Diego), and
Dr. Terrence Sejnowski (Salk Institute and UC San Diego) Video Part I Video Part 2
Collaboratory SCIENCE IN SOCIETY: LONELINESS (Monday, Feb. 24, 2020 - flier)
With Drs. Candice Odgers (UC Irvine), Kay Tye (Salk), and Karen Dobkins (UC San Diego)
Watch the Video
Consciousness and the Physics of the Brain (video), Friday, Jan. 10, 2020 Public Lecture and Reception: Sir Roger Penrose OM FRS (University of Oxford) and Dr. Stuart Hameroff (University of Arizona, Tucson).
2019 IEEE EMBS Workshop on Brain, Mind, and Body: Cognitive Neuroengineering for Health and Wellness.
December 19-20, 2019. Click here to view presentations on YouTube! Event website.
MURI Workshop on Memory Consolidation (December 3, 2019) - UC San Diego Supercomputer Center Auditorium
Collaboratory SCIENCE IN SOCIETY: CONSCIENCE (October 29, 2019 - flier)
An evening with
Dr. Patricia Churchland (UC San Diego), author of Conscience, and Dr. Read Montague (Virginia Tech) Watch the Video
Twenty-ninth EEGLAB Workshop - Aspet, France - June 17-21, 2019; More info, photos here!
26th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (June 1, 2019), USC, Michelson Center for Convergent Biosciences.
Keynote speaker: Terry Sejnowski, Salk Institute (flier)
2019 Rockwood Memorial Lecture (May 30, 4-6 pm) at the Sanford Consortium - Roth Auditorium; Watch the presentation
Pietro Perona - Visipedia: People, Machines, and Data Working Together to Achieve Knowledge (flier)
INC Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat in conjunction with the 14th Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (4/13/19); More info
28th EEGLab Workshop (11/8-12/18) San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego. More info
Music and the Mind: Shaping Our Children’s Lives Through Music Engagement (Sound Health, September 7-8, 2018). More info
2018 Rockwood Memorial Lecture (6/13/18):
Dr. Don Norman,
The Design Lab, UC San Diego: Adventures in Representation: A Lifetime of Struggle; Watch the presentation
INC Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat In conjunction with the KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (5/12/18); More info
25th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation (5/5/18) - California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
SoundHealth - National Institutes of Health (NIH) workshop (Jan. 26-27, 2017); More info
2017 MURI Winter School: Dynamics of Multifunction Brain Networks (January 11-13, 2017, UC San Diego)
25th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA (May 5, 2018); More info
2017 Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat and Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research - Saturday, May 13, 2017; More info
24th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UC San Diego
2016 MURI Winter Workshop on Memory Consolidation 11/19/16);
Keynote: Gyorgy Buzsaki (NYU).
Altman Clinical and Translational Research Institute Building - La Jolla, CA 92037
2016 Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat and Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (5/7/16); More info
2015 MURI Winter Workshop on Memory Consolidation(12/03/2015); Keynote: Larry Squire (UC San Diego)
Mozart and the Mind (9/25-27/2015)
14th Brain Connectivity Workshop hosted by the Swartz Center(06/10-12/2015)
22nd Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, USC (May 26, 2015); More info
Convergence Music Symposium: A Multidisciplinary Dialogue on Music (5/18/14) - A collaboration between TDLC, the Dept. of Music at UC San Diego, and Mozart & the Mind. Read more and view panel discussions.
2015 Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat and Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (5/9/15)
The cortical control of speech articulation (webcast) - (02/20/2014)
- Speaker: Dr. Kristofer Bouchard, Department of Neurological Surgery, UCSF. The cortical control of speech articulation.
21st Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UC Irvine (2014)
Free Interactive Music & the Brain Exposition – Mozart & the Mind(05/18/2013) - Learn how INC members became involved!
2013 Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat and Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (5/4/13)
20th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, California Institute of Technology (2013)
2012 Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat and Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (5/5/12)
2012 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Dr. Eugene M. Izhikevich (4/23/12) - Spikes; flyer
19th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UC Riverside (2012)
Annual IEM-INC CANE Minisymposium (2011) - Highlights latest advances and emerging directions in brain-machine and neuron-silicon interface technology and their applications to neuroscience and neuroengineering. More about CANE.
2011 Annual IEEE Biometical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference (11/10-12/2011)
Minisymposium on New Dimensions in Brain-Machine Interfaces (11/2011)
NEURON Summer Course (6/18/2011)
2011 Cognitive Neuroscience Spring Retreat and Annual KIBM Symposium on Innovative Research (5/14/11)
17th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UC Los Angeles (2010)
2009 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Josh Bongard - Investigations at the Interface of Morphology, Evolution and Cognition; Resilient Machines (Through Continuous Self-Modeling)
16th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, USC Los Angeles (2009)
15th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, UC Irvine (2008)
2007 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Tomaso Poggio, Center for Biological and Computational Learning, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology -
What Should Computer Vision Learn from Neuroscience?
14th Annual Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (2007)
1998 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Geoffrey Hinton, University of Toronto,"Finding Structure in Ensembles of Images"
1997 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Michael Jordan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,"Graphic Models, Neural Networks, and Variational Methods"
1996 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Jack Cowan, University of Chicago,"Geometric Visual Hallucinations, Migraine Auras, and Visual Illusions: What They Tell Us About Visual Cortex Circuitry"
1995 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Geoffrey Hinton, University of Toronto,"Neural Networks that Learn by Generating Fantasies"
1994 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: Stephen Grossberg, Boston University,"Neural Networks for Learning, Recognition, and Recall"
1993 Rockwood Memorial Lecture: James L. McClelland, Carnegie-Mellon University,"The Interaction of Nature and Nurture in Development: A Parallel Distributed Processing Perspective"
Additional Past Series:
INC Seminar Series (2008-2014)
INC/CALIT2 Seminar Series (2006-2013)
IEM-INC CANE Minisymposium on New Dimensions in Brain-Machine Interfaces: The minisymposium highlights latest advances and emerging directions in brain-machine and neuron-silicon interface technology and their applications to neuroscience and neuroengineering. (2011)
Joint INC-IEM Neuroengineering Seminar Series (2009-2015)
Qualcomm/Brain Corporation/INC Computational Neuroscience Seminar Series (2010-2015)
NEURON summer courses: Intensive multi-day course that combines lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on exercises to cover the principles and practice of designing, constructing, and using models in the NEURON simulation environment. (2011-2014)
Annual IEEE Biometical Circuits and Systems (BioCAS) Conference