Rockwood Memorial Lecture
Past Lectures
- 2023 Lecturer: Dr. Tobi Delbruck
Event Camera Silicon Retina; History, Live Demo, and Whiteboard Circuit Design
- 2022 Lecturer:
Dr. Jonathan R. Wolpaw
Neuroadaptive Technologies: Past, Present & Future
- 2021 Lecturer: Dr. Yoshua Bengio
From Conscious Processing to System 2 Deep Learning
- 2019 Lecturer: Dr. Pietro Perona
Visipedia: People, Machines, and Data Working Together to Achieve Knowledge
- 2018 Lecturer: Dr. Don Norman
Adventures in Representation: A Lifetime of Struggle
- 2017 Lecturer: Dr. Christof Koch
Big Science, Team Science, Open Science: In the Service of Neuroscience
- 2016 Lecturer: Dr. Krishna Shenoy
Brain-Machine Interfaces: From Basic Science and Engineering to Clinical Trials
- 2015 Lecturer: Dr. Kwabena Boahen
Neuromorphic Chips: Combining Analog Computation with Digital Communication
- 2014 Lecturer: Dr. Bruce McNaughton,
Doughnuts in the Brain: A Toroidal Attractor Theory of the Cognitive Map
- 2013 Lecturer: Dr. Dmitri B. Chklovskii,
Can connectomics help us understand neural computation? Insights from the fly visual system
- 2012 Lecturer: Dr. Eugene M. Izhikevich,
- 2011 Lecturer: Rodney Douglas,
Constructive Cortical Computation
- 2010 Lecturer: Geoffrey Hinton,
Deep learning with multiplicative interactions
- 2009 Lecturer: Josh Bongard,
Investigations at the Interface of Morphology, Evolution and Cognition
Resilient Machines (Through Continuous Self-Modeling)
- 2008 Lecturer: Jeff Hawkins, Founder, Palm, Inc. Handspring, and Numenta,
Computing Beyond Turing: How neocortical theory is shaping the future of computing
- 2007 Lecturer: Tomaso Poggio, Center for Biological and Computational Learning, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
What Should Computer Vision Learn from Neuroscience?
- 2006 Lecturer:Harvey Karten, Department of Neurosciences, UCSD
Unwiring the Brain: Neuromorphic Engineering of Motion Detection
- 2005 Lecturer: Jeffrey L. Elman, UC San Diego,
Generalizing beyond our experience: Lessons from neural networks
- 2004 Lecturer: Richard Gregory, University of Bristol,
A Periodic Table for Perception
- 2003 Lecturer: Stephen Wolfram, Wolfram Research, Inc.,
A New Kind Of Science
- 2002 Lecturer: Pasko Rakic, Yale University,
Building the Cerebral Cortex: From Stem Cells to Complex Architecture
- 2001 Lecturer: Michael Dickinson, UC Berkeley,
How Fruit Flies flap for Flight Forces: Neuro-Mechanics of a Complex Behavior
- 2000 Lecturer: Christoph von der Malsburg, Bochum University and University of Southern California,
The Learning Problem
- 1999 Lecturer: Dana Ballard, University of Rochester,
Single-Spike Models of Predictive Coding
- 1998 Lecturer: Geoffrey Hinton, University of Toronto,
Finding Structure in Ensembles of Images
- 1997 Lecturer: Michael Jordan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Graphic Models, Neural Networks, and Variational Methods
- 1996 Lecturer: Jack Cowan, University of Chicago,
Geometric Visual Hallucinations, Migraine Auras, and Visual Illusions: What They Tell Us About Visual Cortex Circuitry
- 1995 Lecturer: Geoffrey Hinton, University of Toronto,
Neural Networks that Learn by Generating Fantasies
- 1994 Lecturer: Stephen Grossberg, Boston University,
Neural Networks for Learning, Recognition, and Recall
- 1993 Lecturer: James L. McClelland, Carnegie-Mellon University,
The Interaction of Nature and Nurture in Development: A Parallel Distributed Processing Perspective