Machine Perception Laboratory


Sequential Least Squares
Javier R. Movellan
The Standard Bayesian Linear Model
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on POMDPs and Infomax Control
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Variational EM
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Gabor Filters
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Stochastic Differential Equations
Javier R. Movellan
Discrete Time Kalman Filters and Smoothers
Javier R. Movellan
Continuous Time Stochastic Optimal Control
Javier R. Movellan
Discrete Time Stochastic Optimal Control
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Multinomial Logistic Regression
Javier R. Movellan
Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistics (Undergraduate Textbook)
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Generalized Factor Analysis
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Exponential Smoothing
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Hidden Markov Models
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Principal Component Analysis
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Sequential Sampling Methods
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Axiomatic Set Theory
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on The Singular Value Decomposition
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Image Formation Models
Javier R. Movellan
Matrix Recipes
Javier R. Movellan
Tutorial on Calculus of Variations
Javier R. Movellan
Minimum Jerk Trajectories
Javier R. Movellan
Useful Mathematical Facts
Javier R. Movellan
Physics for Robotics and Animation: A Gaussian Approach
Javier R. Movellan
Pneumatic Cylinders
Javier R. Movellan
DC Motors
Javier R. Movellan
The Discrete Fourier Transform
Javier R. Movellan